Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath and his Cabinet took the holy dip at the Triveni Sangam in Prayagraj on Wednesday, praying for global welfare. Highlighting the significance of the ritual, the Chief Minister described the Sangam bath as a profound symbol of Indian culture and Sanatan Dharma, embodying spiritual peace, religious devotion, and social welfare. He said, “Bathing in the sacred confluence is not just a personal act of purification but a collective call for the welfare of all.”
He added, “As part of the grand Mahakumbh 2025, millions of devotees are visiting the Sangam to take this holy dip, which is a powerful message of religion, culture, and faith.”
The Chief Minister reiterated that the Mahakumbh reflects the divinity and universality of Indian traditions, with the Sangam bath inspiring purity and prosperity through the strength of religion and culture.
The Triveni Sangam, where the Ganga, Yamuna, and the mystical Saraswati rivers meet, is revered as a spiritual center for salvation and soul purification. Scriptures regard the Sangam bath as a path to liberation from sins and spiritual elevation.
In a solemn sequence, the Chief Minister and his cabinet first performed a traditional puja at the Triveni complex in Arail. They then proceeded to the Sangam by motorboat, completing the ritual with mantra recitations and a havan.
Along with the Chief Minister, both Deputy Chief Ministers Keshav Prasad Maurya, Brajesh Pathak, Finance and Parliamentary Affairs Minister Suresh Khanna, Jal Shakti Minister Swatantra Dev Singh, Agriculture Minister Surya Pratap Shahi, Industrial Development Minister Nand Gopal Gupta Nandi, Tourism Minister Jaiveer Singh, Laxmi Narayan Chaudhary, Dharampal and Anil Rajbhar, all 21 ministers and rest of the independent charge and state ministers duly took bath and performed puja at Sangam.
Yatra Ganga cha Yamuna, Saraswati cha Punyada
Snaanen tatra tirthe, mokshah syat sukhamatmanah
Where the Ganga, Yamuna, and Saraswati converge, the sacred bath at the Triveni Sangam is believed to bring salvation and peace to the soul. With this profound spiritual experience, the entire cabinet of Uttar Pradesh conveyed a powerful message to the world.
The ritual symbolized deep faith and belief and served as an opportunity to inspire and energize the people spiritually. This event reinforced the core values of Sanatan Dharma while also promoting peace, prosperity, and dedication in society. Beyond the religious tradition, it conveyed public welfare and world peace.
This marks the second time during the Yogi Adityanath government that the entire cabinet has come together for a holy dip at the Sangam during the Kumbh festival.
In 2019, during the Kumbh held in Teerthraj Prayagraj, the Chief Minister, along with his entire cabinet, took part in the sacred ritual at the Sangam, accompanied by Akhara Parishad President Narendra Giri and other saints.
In addition, the Yogi government previously held a cabinet meeting during the Mahakumbh, inviting all 54 ministers of the Uttar Pradesh government. The meeting occurred at the Triveni Complex in Arail, a venue chosen to ensure the convenience of devotees coming for the holy dip.
Initially planned for the Mela Authority auditorium, the meeting’s location was changed to avoid any inconvenience to the pilgrims due to VIP security concerns.